
Good Clean Fun

I off to Nashville for the weekend to visit some of my favorite girls (my college roomies and fellow archie nerds) and see these guys, FUN live at the Ryman. I love these photos of the band featured in the current issue of GQ. I love the quirky prep happening and the ode to warmer weather ahead! P.S. Can I find myself a boy that will wear saddle shoes!?!

Have a lovely weekend peeps!


Be my Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day Folks. I am sure a lot of you out there have been planning special gifts and outings for your significant others over the last few weeks. Being the single girl that I am, there are no big plans on the docket for today, but I thought I would share a special February 14th Anniversary that is dear to my heart.

Five years ago today,  I was a 4th year architecture student setting out for adventures as an exchange student to Krakow, Poland. Even looking back now, I never realized how influential studying abroad would be to my life. It has created a love for travel and culture that I probably never would have tapped into otherwise. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and into some amazing experiences. We used to joke that communications at home would never again be a struggle after fighting through language and cultural barriers abroad.

I distinctly remember it was Valentine’s Day the day I arrived in Krakow.  Our group of thirteen American students landed at the airport and met our program coordinators Anna and Bartec. They arranged transportation to our dorm at the Polytechnic and then sent us off to the City Center with a group of Polish students to find dinner. Just imagine extreme exhaustion and jetlag combined with being completely disoriented. It was almost impossible to find a place to eat- it was Valentine’s Day of course. Every restaurant was packed with couples and candles celebrating.  After an hour of wondering around we finally settled into a tiny perogi house for traditional polish dumplings and borche. I remember the tables were set with platters of bread and lard (yes, lard) for appetizers.

That was the start of a semester long adventure.

Amazing places
Delicious food
New friends
Endless Adventures
Living with Less
Learning about myself

I’m a girl that’s in love with the world
And all the people and places in it
Happy Valentine’s Day World
Here’s to my lifelong romance with you.


And now for a short PSA: If you are a high school or college student: STUDY ABROAD! Find a way to make it happen. Get a job, get a second job, save your money, shop at thrift stores. Do whatever it takes to get yourself there. You will not regret it- I promise. Open yourself to the adventure and see where it takes you. Meet people you never would have otherwise. The world is a big place and you deserve to experience a slice of it. Get out there.


Radio Silence

Sorry for the radio silence here on the blog.

Work has been cra-cra-crazy busy as of late and I’ve been having computer issues at home. I think it’s about time to put my PC out to pasture (purchased in 2004!) and upgrade to a Mac! Once I take care of that later this week, hopefully posts will be back on a regular schedule.

In other news, I hope you all are staying warm and dry. I’ve been on the road for work- driving non-stop in all this rain. It has me dreaming of sunshiny days to come.

I’ve been in love with this song lately- watch the video here. It sounds like summertime and perfect for driving with the windows down. Take note of Brett Dennen’s dorky dance moves. I love them- because they mirror my own (for real).

Later Peeps!