
Less Baggage

i have a secret.
i love to travel light
am i always good at it? absolutely not.
but its always fun to try.

it started while i was studying abroad in college.
there's nothing like carrying everything you own on your back to make you reevaluate
your need for 'things'.

*image coutesy of Color Collective,

why this topic you ask?

i'm prepping for an upcoming long weekend in nyc.
a little reunion with my college besties

I try to follow a few of  basis rules of packing:

(1) pack basic colors that you can mix and match
(for me there's usually black, and a few neutrals)

(2) Minimize jeweraly to the pieces that I wear everyday.

(3) a purse that goes where almost everything

(4) Limit myself to three pairs of shoes (that's always the biggest challenge!)

What are your packing rules???


New shoes, and the week so far...

Is it really only Wednesday? That seems hard to believe. Things have been a whirlwind around here. So far this week I have:

(a)    Started working out with a new personal trainer (because my old trainer up and moved to Atlanta).

(b)   Written ZERO items down in the food log I am suppose to be keeping up with to review at my next session

(c)    Eaten pizza and Thai food instead…

(d)   Worked almost 40 hours (again, Is it really only Wednesday?!?)
(e)   Gotten super excited that one of my best friends got engaged- at the Parthenon (in Nashville) no less -Congratulations Sally and Hunter!!!

(f)     Started breaking in these new beauties…  

(g)    Started packing for a weekend getaway from my college besties (more on that later)

Needless to say, I’m not sure if I’m running on fumes or amped up to finish the rest of the week. Maybe the high amounts of caffeine racing through my body are distorting my ability to discern exhaustion.

One thing I do know is that letting myself get into a rush of working all hours and eating poorly has really taken a toll on how I feel physically today. I’ve been very conscience of the food I eat for the past couple of months- eating mainly homemade, healthy whole foods with no fast food in my diet. Throw a couple of days of poor eating decisions on top of minimal sleep, and my body is letting me know it doesn’t like this turn of events one bit. The rest of this week I will be trying to get back on track with some whole fruits and veggies. Hopefully I will have a couple of recipes to share later this week.

Happy Hump Day!!!


Kinfolk Magazine

Have you seen the new magazine Kinfolk?

If not you'll need to set aside an hour (or two)
fix yourself an iced coffee,
and curl up with your laptop
(the first run of the print version has already sold out!?!)

The images alone are amazing
as well as the beautiful graphic design


it will make you want to grab your closest friends 

for dinner on the patio

where you can talk til the sky goes twilight

and the mosquitoes chase you inside.

Happy Saturday!

*images courtesy of Kinfolk Magazine


Finally Friday

have a great weekend friends
try to do something fun

like drink lemonade and lay in a hammock...

good plan. see you monday.

*images courtesy ofsuper swoon and  el cosimico


Catching Up

So I'm having a harder time keeping up with this blog thing than I first anticipated.

Kind of a time commitment, huh? 

Here are a few things catching my eye and occupying my thoughts these days:

this cookie cutter - beautiful craftsmanship!

this recipe so gooooood (and healthy)!!!

Here's to more (and frequent) blog posts!

*image courtesy of pinterest