

Several weekends ago, I was rummaging through the racks in a local thrift store when I came across a couple of tie-dyed sundresses. Not that I can claim to own even a single piece of tie dyed clothing, but both pieces of super soft cotton appealed to me. Since they were really inexpensive I ended up purchasing both of them with the intention of turning them into something new. I like a little tie dye flare, but a whole technicolored ensemble- no thanks.

Here are the dresses at home, post-a trip through the washer.

 And here is what happened to dress No.1 after I gave my mind a chance to brainstorm.

I replaced the covers on a  couple of tired, old throw pillows from my old college apartment-yay! The backs are some cotton muslin I had on hand, and I gave them pocket enclosures - so no zippers needed (I may not have paid enough attention on zipper day back in high school Home Economics). All in all, I am pretty pleased with the outcome.

I’m still mulling over what is in store for Dress No.2…